Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Jund Song

My brain put this song together to annoy me, it goes to the tune of "Frere Jacque":

Sprouting Thrinax, Sprouting Thrinax,
Putrid Leech, Putrid Leech,
Bloodbraid into Blightning, Bloodbraid into Blightning,
Win win win.  Win win win.

I just know this little ditty is going to be running through my head the whole time at the Philly 5k this weekend.  Maybe enough to make me regret my deck choice.  But I've been practicing a lot these past few weeks, to the point where I'm confident even in those pesky control matchups (damned Wall of Omens/Spreading Seas!).  However, I'm still lacking in sideboard plans for some of the big decks, may need to steal ideas from the Internet. 

At this point, my list is pretty vanilla:  4x Leech, Thrinax, Elf, Blightning, Pulse, 3x Bolt, 2x Terminate, 2 or 3x Siege-Gang Commander.  The only somewhat-unique twists are I still run 2x Garruk even though a lot of Jund players have dropped them (I find threatening Overrun to be super-effective in most combat races, and of course the mana-acel and beast tokens don't hurt either.)  I also run Sarkhan the Mad, though I'm down to 1 copy now.  My special tech is 3x Trace of Abundance as the 2-drop mana-improver that gives my 7 manlands shroud.   I'm flirting with the idea of including at least one Consuming Vapors main judging by how many times I find myself boarding in 2 or 3 copies. 


  1. Well whether or not its running through yours, it is definitely running through mine >.<

  2. Mr. Phil, imagine seeing you here. Anyways, here's my sideboard list and reasoning behind them:
    x4 Lightning Bolt and x3 Terminate - I mainboard Jund Charms for their multipurpose capabilities; these go in when I need to kill kill kill. Like against Conscription.
    x4 Goblin Ruinblasters - Pretty standard
    x2 Consume the Meek for those pesky little pretty much everything out there (Why hello there Firewalker, Vengevine support group, and Reliquaries).
    x1 Pithing Needle - Only have one, and should it show I'm shutting down a random Mythic planeswalker, probably.
    x1 Caldera Hellion - Surprise one-of, especially great after a Mirror Thrinax trade. Or something like that.

    Considering my deviations from standard Jund, I don't expect this to be
    much good for your brainstorming. And considering the date of posting, I don't expect this to be much good for the 5k XP

  3. Also, props on the planeswalker selections. I run the exact same party of three in my deck. Brutal when Garruk and Sarkhan tag-team their respective -4's...

  4. nice blog, susan! :) do post more about your magic adventures and your thoughts on decks and the metagame!!! I would love to read more.
